Manipal Hemophilia Society

23 05 2009

What is Hemophilia? You may have heard of it before but what exactly is that condition ?

How do people get this bleeding disorder?

What happens to Hemophiliacs?

Do all these questions pique your curiousity?

Well, now is the chance to find out more about Hemophilia! After working hard on the website for several days, we, Huluran Kasih is proud to announce the birth of the website for Manipal Hemophilia Society. This website is dedicated to Manipal Hemophilia Society which is a patient organization assisted by the medical and paramedical fraternity. This society aims to collect more data about Hemophiliacs around Manipal, provide anti- haemophilic factors, comprehensive care and etc.

Besides that, Manipal Hemophilia Society also organised a few camps for the Hemophiliacs. Recently, Manipal Hemophilia Society collaborated with Huluran Kasih and organised ‘ Asha Kiran 2009’.

There’re just so much more to talk about Manipal Hemophilia Society but we shall leave the website to do the talking. Be sure to visit it at :

Thank you !!!



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