Visit to Sri Krishna Bala Niketan Orphanage (Group 1)

15 06 2009

On 30th May 2009, a different group of Huluran Kasih volunteers from various batches went to Sri Krishna Bala Niketan Orphanage with the same aim as the volunteers who went to Nittur Government Home for Girls – to help improve the children’s level of English.

The kids were divided into pairs (according to age) and each pair was assigned one tutor. The low tutor-child ratio was to ensure that each child will receive maximum attention.

Every tutor assessed the child under their care’s proficiency and it was planned that the teaching will be according to 4 levels.
Level 1 – mastering of the alphabet
Level 2 – the ability to associate every letter with objects & colors
Level 3 – the ability to form sentences
Level 4 – the ability to form conversations

Each student was given a notebook to record the day’s lesson so that the child’s progress can be monitored. The teaching was made easier with picture books that easily captured the attention of the younger kids. The children proved to be very eager students and had many questions for the volunteers which were just too pleased to answer them.

After the lessons were completed, soft drinks and biscuits were served. The children were quick in organizing themselves into two straight lines and said their prayers before eating.

When the music stopped, all the kids scrambled to get a seat. It was a game of musical chairs and the volunteers smiled with satisfaction as they watch the kids have fun.

Hands waving goodbye, the volunteers left the place at about 5.30pm and every one was determined to be back next week and to do whatever it takes to help the children who had greeted them warmly the moment they set foot at the orphanage.